Samstag, 31. Mai 2014

Edit Items Part 1

The item names and descriptions are now displayed and can be edited. The text is stored in plaintext in the ROM. But there are serveral words (like "from" or "statue") which are loaded from some kind of text library which contains words that are often used. These words are still missing until I figure out how they are loaded.
The item "Will" is displayed with it's correct item name and description:
The item "Statue of Hope" misses the word "Statue" in it's name and description because this word is loaded from the text library.
The name of the item "Red Jewel" is changed to "Rat Jewel" and loaded back to the ROM:
The next step will include the selection of the item handler. Thanks to lytron who discovered where the item handler pointers are stored in the rom ( I can implement this in a short period of time.
I will also try to find out how an item graphic and it's animation is loaded and try to display it in the editor.

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