Montag, 28. April 2014

Compression Part 1

A little update with the latest progress of the editor:
The graphics compression routine is already partly working which can be seen in this screenshot:

This screenshot is taken from the ZSNES editor running a ROM which has been edited in the editor.
The game logo has been edited on the editor, the word TEST can be seen in the 'G' letter. The other part of the logo is unfortunatley still erroneous. The game crashes after a game slot is chosen and the actual game should start..
Still need to figure out the error in the compression routine.

Furthermore I did some code refactoring to make everything more clear. The length of the decompressed graphics is now evaluated. Thereby I found 18 more tilesets which were overseen before. So now I think every compressed tileset can now be edited.

There are some uncompressed graphics which I want to display as a next step.

Hope to figure out the compression problem as soon as possible so I can upload the first version of the editor!

Freitag, 11. April 2014

Edit tiles

You can now edit tiles and save them back to the project file. To edit a tile select a color from the palette and fill the desired pixel in the tile image with that color.
As an example I put a circle in the yellow round sprite thing.

To write the edited tile back to the ROM I need to adapt the compression routine from Python to C# which I already started to work on.
When this is accomplished I will upload the current version of the editor.

Freitag, 4. April 2014

Mysterious castle

Can anyone remember if this castle graphic was actually  used in the game? I don't think I have seen this before..

Donnerstag, 3. April 2014

The pink soldiers have arrived!

After lots of trial and error I finally managed to read the palettes in the right way! There are quite a lot of them, nearly 800. It's now possible to view all the tilesets with every palette.

I must say that I like those pink soldiers :)
So after this important progress it might not take a long time until I can upload a first version of the editor where you can edit those tilesets.