Freitag, 17. Oktober 2014

The Event Editor advances..

I discovered some new event commands:
  • Add Item (0xD4): Adds a specific item to the player's inventory. Checks also if the inventroy is full and initiates an action if this is the case.
  • Play Music and Wait (0x19): Plays a specific song. The event handler will wait for the song to complete until the next action is performed.
  • Player Position Condition (0x45): Observes the position of the player and initiates an action if the player is in the specified position range.
  • Switch Condition (0xD0): Actions often depend on the states of switches (ON, OFF) to handle them in the desired order.
  • Talk Button Condition (0xC0): Defines an action that takes playe after the talk button is pressed on the event.

My next subgoal is to understand the way an event (e.g. an NPC) moves. I already discovered the commands but couldn't figure out yet how the actual movement is decrypted.