Freitag, 27. November 2015

Display Maps 2

I found the tile mirror bit so the maps look better now:

I also extracted the tilemaps that I need for the implementation of the map editor that will follow soon.
Then I will upload a new version of the editor!

Montag, 16. November 2015

Display Maps

I decoded successfully the map tileset data sets and as a result, the maps look much better now:

There are some tiles that need to be mirrored so I have to search for that mirror bit next.
There is also a second tile layer for several maps that I need to add.
And one very important thing to do: Find the right color palettes..

Donnerstag, 12. November 2015

Will on the Wing

All the sprites that are used in the original game are now displayed in the editor!
And by now roughly 98% of them already look as they should.
The last sprite set that I readout were the sprite graphics for the world map movements.
I found an interesting sprite that (proof me wrong) was never used in the original game. It shows Will how he is transported by sea gulls. But look for yourselves:

Dienstag, 3. November 2015

Display all Sprites in the Editor

Currently I'm making it possible to display all the sprites in the editor.
When I'm done with this I will upload a new version of the editor.
The next step will be the display of the sprites on the maps...

For example, the sprite set for Edward's Castle. I don't think the walking animation for the king is used in the game..

Montag, 2. November 2015

Map Sprite Data

I improved the decompression of the map data so that I discovered the purpose of the "mystery data [0x10]" -> It's the sprite data!
So now it's possible to display those sprites in the editor. I started with the South Cape sprites:

The maps also look much better now but I will show them in one of the next blog entries.