Freitag, 8. Februar 2019

Room-Clearing Rewards + GaiaTheCreator 0.5.5

After I ignored the data sets for quite a long time, I investigated the room-clearing reward table and was able to add it to the editor. As an explanation, the room-clearing award is the status updgrade which is received when you beat all enemies in a single room.

The table contains a reward value for every map.
These are the possible rewards:

No reward
HP (Power)
STR (Strength)
>= 3
DEF (Defense)

You can try the treasure chest and room-clearing rewards editing in the latest release 0.5.5:

Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2019

Edit Treasure Chests

With the help of DontBaguMe, I was able to add treasure chest editing to the editor!
The treasure chest editor is part of the map editor just like the event and exit editor.
You can change the item which can be found in the treasure chest as well as if the fanfare music is played when the chest is opened.

Sonntag, 3. Februar 2019

Illusion of Gaia Randomizer

Recently, a new promising project in the field of IoG hacking was started by DontBaguMe:
An Illusion of Gaia Randomizer!

Check out his blog for all information and progress information:

DontBuMe already made a great progress in ROM data research which in return helped myself in building the editor. So iI think both of us will continue to benefit from each other in the future.