Freitag, 12. Juni 2015

Work in progress...

Sorry for the long absence of new informations but I've been very busy the last few weeks...
But nevertheless I found some time to work on the editor anyway ;)
The main task for me at the moment is the completion of the compression routine for the map arrangement and tileset data.
I already made a decent progress with it since the algorithm does in roughly 95% of the compression workflow what is it supposed to do. So now I need to find out what goes wrong in the remaining 5%.
When I finish the algorithm there will be many many new things to show here ;)

4 Kommentare:

  1. Nice to see you back in action. :)

  2. I'm kind of stuck with the compression routine at the moment :(
    The compression routine works for the first 256 bytes (until the buffer is completely filled). But then it seems to change the way the byte position in the buffer is referenced (repeate case) and I couldn't find out yet what it exactly does :/
    Maybe I will concentrate my attention on other things first...

  3. Why not releasing a new version first! ^^;
